2009年1月11日 星期日

An Excel program to provide a template for score preparation

ScoreTemplate - The program facilitates input of chords and lyric for pop music composition with automatic modulation, harmonic analysis and chord identification features. Scores can be prepared in both simplied and staff forms.

Click here to see how to use it

An Excel program to check Parallel 5th/8th and Exposed 5th/8ave in 4-part writing

Harmony - This program allows harmonic progression of maximum 10 chords. You can enter the pitches in the Input Table either as numbers based on the 12-tone number notation or the pitch names.

Click here to see how to use it

A matrix calculator for atonal music analysis and composition

Matrix - This excel program calculates the 12-tone matrix based on the 12 tone numbers you enter in the Input Bar. Two approaches, Conventional and Absolute Pitch approaches, are available for analysis options. The program presents the Primes, Inversions, Retrogrades, and Retrograde Inversions of the given 12 tones and also allows you to carry out two analyses at a time.

Click here to see how to use it

An excel program to find the Normal and Prime Forms of Pitch-Class Sets

Prime - This program calculates the Normal and Prime Forms of any Pitch Class Set from Trichords to Nonachords.

Click here to see how to use it

2009年1月10日 星期六

A Duet for Violin and Piano

For Melody is dedicated to a sweet little girl called Melody; a lively, animated, innovative and fanciful young lady. This work was composed for violin and piano. A non-conventional “ABC” form was used in this duet to depict the innovative character of Melody. In this work, mediant relationship (Keys C and E) was employed to describe the two different worlds of hers, reality and fantasy.

"For Melody" 是一首小提琴及鋼琴二重奏的作品,獻給一位活潑可愛、活力充沛並富創意及想像力的小女孩。此曲用了一個非傳統的 ABC 曲式來表達 Melody 的創意及與眾不同的性格,也採用了C及E兩大調來描述她心中現實與夢想的兩個不同世界。

Fantastic Machine