2011年9月8日 星期四

My New Book is now available

愛音樂的您,想寫一首自已的歌,卻無從入手 ? 那您可以從以下這本書中找到答案。向您誠意推介我的新書,它已正式面世。

For those who have the passion for music and would like to write a song that belongs to yourself, but do not have a clue how to do it, the following book is just right for you. My new book is now available!

This book provides the foundation knowledge of music theory for pop music composition. It explains what you should know about during the process of song writing (i.e. from writing the first musical note to the completion of the whole work including the use of instruments). In other words, this book includes the complete essence of music theory for pop music composition. The main concepts are presented, basically, in point form and written in both English ad Chinese, so that they can be easily read and clear to comprehend. The book consists of , mainly, two parts: (1) Melody Writing and (2) Music Arrangement. The first part includes the chord theory, diatonic and chromatic scales; explanation of tonal music and its key's center; intervals of notes and the technique to convert noises into music. The methods to create the melodic lines and express a song are also included. Part two describes the application of chords in chord progression and the use of musical punctuation for expression of musical phrases. Resolution of dissonant chords and the methods to change one tonal center to another are presented. The theory of harmony and the rules for four-part and counterpoint writings are explained. The string, woodwind, brass and percussion families and the uses of instruments for modern pop are also included.

本書旨在提供流行曲作曲所需要的基礎理論知識,使有意學習流行音樂創作的讀者更容易了解在作曲過程中應注意的理論部分(即由寫第一個音符開始至完成整編作品所需的理論概念,包括樂器應用)。換言之,本書包括全套流行音樂創作之理論精髓。其重點概念以點列、中英對照的形式陳述,務求讓讀者更易於理解及閱讀。該書主要包含兩個部分: (1) 旋律寫作及(2) 樂曲的編寫。 第一部分包括和弦理論、自然音階和半音音階的分析; 解釋何謂調性音樂及音程、不協和音的處理; 譜寫及表達優美旋律的方法。第二部分解釋如何運用和弦進行法來配合樂曲; 描述怎樣使用音樂標點法來表達樂句、不協調和弦的解決方法、轉調技巧、四聲部編寫; 還介紹弦樂、木管、銅管、敲擊樂及現代流行音樂所用的樂器及應用等。

作者: 梁裔泓 Ewen Leung

出版社: 青森文化

總經銷: 香港聯合書刋物流有限公司

出版日期: 2011-09

ISBN: 978-988-8122-49-3

Price: HK$120

規格: 170 x 210, 292 pages
